The 2013 King George Home Show was a huge success with vendors of all types showing off their products and services. We had our local representative, Brian Jarvis, at the event all weekend, and Brian Harris was answering questions on Sunday as well.
Everyone that visited the booth had lots of information to share but the 3 most common observations were:
- Most people in King George have moisture problems in their crawl space. The PermaTreat display showcasing our PermaCrawl technology brought many people over. They told us about their ongoing moisture problems both in the crawl space and inside the house. We spent a great deal of time talking about how the combination of wood and moisture draws all kinds of problems ranging from termites to Carpenter Ants. Just the moisture alone can cause significant damage to your home! Excessively high moisture in a crawl space can also lead to conditions that irritate asthma and other health issues.
This winter has been mild enough that many King George residents have had Ant infestations, even thoughout the winter. The two most common ant problems mentioned were infestations of Pavement Ants and Carpenter Ants. The high moisture content in these King George homes make Carpenter Ant infestations a leading pest problem.
- Several King George residents have already had Termites swarm their home. This is a full 2 to 4 weeks early for this part of Virginia. One couple in particular was very concerned since they had not had their home inspected for 4 years and had just seen Termite swarmers this past week.
The winner of the King George Home Show drawing is Mary Berry of Oak Grove, Virginia! Congratulations, Mary, you’ve won a year of free pest control services!