Category: Rodents




Size Length: 1 1/2"
Width: 5"

Color Black / Gray



There are numerous species of bats found in Virginia, including the Big Brown Bat, the Eastern Red Bat, the Evening Bat and the Gray Bat.

Bats are not only a protected species but they are the most efficient “exterminators” in that they eat many times their own weight in insects in a single season.

Joe Wilson, CEO of PermaTreat Pest Control stated, “When doing bat exclusion work we want to be certain that we do not trap or kill any bats. PermaTreat is in the bat exclusion business exclusively. ”

Step One – Night Inspection

First, inspect at dusk to determine exit/entry points and the size of the infestation. Common exit/entry points include attic louvers, roof lines where sheeting and facia boards meet, under facia boards, and other openings due to deterioration.

Step Two – Day Inspection

Second, inspect during the day to locate exterior structural deficiencies, inside roosting sites (check opposite exit/entry points, wall voids, etc., look for droppings and/or bats), access problems, and to determine equipment needed.

“Bat proofing” is the control method of choice if it is practical and economical. Exclusion is the only method to keep bats out long term. The best time to bat proof is after the bats have left for hibernation in the autumn and before they return in the spring. Summertime bat proofing should only be done after mid-August to avoid trapping young; we never bat proof from early May to mid-August,” confirmed Kevin Walsh, technical advisor for PermaTreat Pest Control.

Ultrasonic devices have not been found to be effective for repelling bats from structures.

On occasion, if 1 or 2 bats enter a structure, open the doors and windows and turn out the lights. The bats will follow the fresh air currents to the outside.

When bat control is done a residual is applied to control the bat ectoparasites, such as mites and bat bugs, which will probably be present. Many of these will bite humans.

Be aware of the potential health hazard that accumulated bat droppings present. These droppings can be left alone if access is secured, or they can be professionally decontaminated and removed.

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