Author: PermaTreat

woman holding her nose

As the weather turns brisk in late September and early October, beetles of all sorts look for sheltered places to burrow for the winter. If your home wasn’t in the way, beetles would snuggle into cracks and crevices of rocks, trees and bark. They can find winter nesting spots under stones and rotting branches.

When beetles come looking for a place to spend winter, be ready to send them away without entry into your living spaces. Here are three strategies to have a beetle-free home this fall.

  1. Get Rid of Welcome Signs

Beetles want to feel welcome. When weather gets chilly, beetles explore their environment to locate openings in nature. These openings are like flashing welcome signs, even if your home isn’t a natural overwintering spot for them.


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woman holding her nose

Autumn is almost here, and before long, the leaves will be falling from the trees. If you have trees in your yard, then some of those leaves will probably end up in your gutters. Clearing the gutters of leaves and debris is therefore a necessary fall maintenance task. Fail to do so, and you could end up with clogged gutters — which are an open invitation for insects to invade your home and yard.

Keep reading to learn more about the insects that are likely to show up when your gutters are clogged, along with some gutter-cleaning advice.

Which Insects Are Attracted to Clogged Gutters?

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woman holding her nose

From termites to spiders, all the creepy crawlies in the area would be happy to find a home in your basement. This can make spending time in the basement uncomfortable and unpleasant. If you are a homeowner who would like to keep bugs out of your basement, check out these tips for a cleaner and more comfortable basement you can enjoy.

1.  Fix Plumbing Leaks Promptly

Moisture in the soil often finds its way into the home via cracks in the foundation. Sometimes this moisture causes floods, mold, mildew, and a general dampness. You have many ways that you can waterproof your basement.

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