Category: Uncategorized

Rodents Wired to Infest Vehicles

“Vehicles possess the ideal attributes that attract rodents in winter, including shelter and built-up warmth from commutes,” says Michael Bentley, Ph.D., a staff entomologist at NPMA. “Rodents hate being out in the open where they are vulnerable to predators, so when they see a car holding freshly generated heat that also offers protection from the great outdoors, they are drawn to it for cover.”

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Bed Bug Eradication

Bed bugs were virtually eradicated in the United States during the 1940s with the use of chloradane, lindane and DDT. Bed Bugs did however remain commonplace in other areas of the world like parts of Europe, Asia, South and Central America. With the advent of easier and less expensive worldwide travel, immigration and trade; changes in pest management (less residual insecticides, less frequent chemical application and older effective insecticides are now illegal); and a new American public that is not familiar with bed bugs, their habits and their bites; bed bugs have been able to proliferate once again.

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Tips for Bed Bugs in the Office

Although bed bugs are typically thought to be a household pest, they can hitchhike with people to their places of employment. In fact, a 2015 Bugs Without Borders survey by NPMA found that 45% of pest control professionals have encountered bed bugs in office buildings. Here are the NPMA’s tips to prevent bringing bed bugs home from the workplace:

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