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Sadly, bed bugs have become an increasingly common concern in American homes. They are found in all 50 states, and they spread easily. Homeowners often bring bed bugs home after staying in a hotel or other vacation accommodation, so as you travel this summer, you should be wary of these pests. Below, you’ll find some advice to help you avoid bringing bed bugs home from your summer vacation.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

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Summer should be a time when you feel comfortable lounging in your backyard, grilling with friends, or tending to your garden. If your backyard is infested with mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks, enjoying that space becomes difficult.

Whether you’ve just started to notice a few mosquitoes or your yard is completely overrun by fleas, here are a few ways to reclaim your outdoor space this summer.

Clean Up Extra Junk

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waspSummer means an increase in insects that fly and sting, like bees and wasps. If your business is related to the food service industry, you may face special challenges concerning flying stingers.

Unfortunately, people, food, and stinging insects do not mix well. Both people and flying stingers are attracted by the food you offer, but the results can be annoying or even deadly. Here’s what to know about flying stingers and how they can impact your business.

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